Stronghold Crusader HD

Stronghold Crusader HD

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The game is an addition to the game-strategy Stronghold.

The main thing about the series of games Stronghold

The game Stronghold - a simulator of three activities:
the construction of a medieval castle,
military actions - assault of the castle or its defense,
creation and management of the village.

The atmosphere and situation of the first game

Briefly, this is the stylization of the Middle Ages. Game events begin in 1066, but there are often no time limits, so theoretically, missions can last dozens and even hundreds of game years.

The path of war and the path of peace

The game allows you to build - a settlement or a castle, carry out individual economic missions or just build freely, and destroy - invade the country, take the castle under siege or, on the contrary, crush the attackers. You can create your own maps and play in multiplay mode.


You are the ruler of the castle, you are responsible for both the economy and the war. Do not forget about the popularity - it's a separate indicator in the game.
You can build six types of buildings:
the castle and everything inside it - walls, towers, gates, barracks, ditches, etc.,
sawmills, quarries, mines and other structures for extraction of resources - wood, stone, iron and oil.
Farms that bring meat, milk, wheat, apples, hops, skins of cows,
city ​​buildings - houses, churches, wells,
Weapon workshops, where they produce weapons and armor,
Barns and shops for cheese, bread, ale
Buildings are built instantly, it is only necessary to make such a decision. Just as quickly your soldiers are trained. But all this requires money obtained from the collection of taxes and trade.
To succeed in the economy it is not enough just to make calculations. We have to cope with unpredictable disasters like the invasion of rabbits or fire.
The war is fought by soldiers of close combat and distant combat: archers, crossbowmen, pikemen, swordsmen, spearmen, knights and even monks with clubs.
Troops can shoot from towers, move around walls, destroy walls, use siege machines, including towers, while besieged have boiling resin tanks, pits with stakes and moats with water. You can dig trenches and even organize an epidemic in the enemy camp. For complex actions, except soldiers, you need to involve sappers and engineers.

Addition Stronghold Crusader HD

Expands the set of game situations with the stories of the Crusades:
The first crusade of 1094-1099,
Saladin's campaigns of 1187,
the expedition of Richard the Lionheart, Friedrich Barbarossa and the French Philip II in order to liberate Jerusalem
The way of the crusader is a campaign of 50 cards not tied to historical events, but in the same setting.
One of the unique innovations are the assassins - the warriors of special abilities, able to invisibly enter the castle and open the gate from the inside, interrupting the guard.


Released 26/09/2002
Parent Platforms mac
Platforms pc
Developers FireFly Studios


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