Heroes of Civilizations

Heroes of Civilizations

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Strategy Open-source based cardgame themed in ancient civilizations wars, inspired by mythology and culture.

The game is divived into different civilizations, each one wich unique heroes and special units, cards avaliable allow to use equipment, traps and upgrades to defeat enemies armies.

Fight in intense single player quick battles or have a long battle against other players in the multiplayer. Each civilization will have advantages that can be used to secure victory.


  • 5 Civilizations: Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, Persian, Babylonian, Norse.
  • 10 Units Classes: Infantry, Cavalry, Ranger, Mystic, Civilian, Naval, Siege, Hero, Squad, God.
  • 3 Cards Types: Unit, Trap, Upgrade.
  • Campaigns: Fast paced battles, where you need to get victory in just one turn.
  • Skirmish: Test all your cards in unlimited time battles.
  • Multiplayer: 1v1 2v2 players, with single or long term battles.
  • Card and Level editor: Create your own custom cards and levels for the game.


Released 01/08/2017
Parent Platforms pc
Platforms pc
Developers Initiative Games


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