Attack of the Earthlings

Attack of the Earthlings

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Attack of the Earthlings combines turn-based combat and stealth in a dark comedic single player campaign, where you the player, take control of the native alien race to defend your home world from the invading humans.

Serial Drillers from Outer Space
Galactoil, a comically dysfunctional energy corporation, are hell-bent on harvesting the known universe for energy and will drill anything worth a dollar in its incessant quest to line its pockets with profit. However, their latest foray into energy exploration on Planet X13, has placed them into a bit of a pickle. The Swarmers, the native insectoid species, have another idea - to eat all the workers!

The Perfect Swarm
You take control of the Swarmers, a highly aggressive insectoid species, who must convert human flesh into alien muscle, upgrade their units and even find the time to gatecrash a birthday party.

To put a stop to the invasion, the Swarmers must plan attacks carefully. Take control of unsuspecting workers, set traps, emerge from vents and hiding spots to take your human prey by surprise, and assault in groups to kill multiple enemies at once.

It’s meat Jim, but not as we know it
The more earthlings killed, the more corpses can be consumed and transformed into new units with specialized roles and unique abilities. The flesh of their own workers is the key ingredient to developing a successful alien insurgency against Galactoil.


Released 07/02/2018
Parent Platforms linux
Platforms pc
Developers Team Junkfish


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