Age of Empires II HD

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Age of Empires II HD is a strategy game, the remastered version of the original game with improved graphics and some new features including the Workshop compatibility. It's followed by three expansions: The Forgotten, The African Kingdoms and The Rise of the Rajas that add new civilizations, campaigns, and modes to the game.
In Age of Empires II HD, you develop the selected civilization from the Dark Ages to the modern time. You have multiple units to complete different tasks such as mining resources, explore the world and fight enemies. You can also reveal new technologies and upgrade your units. There are different ways to win: you can either fight the enemy civilization or choose a peaceful way and develop your science and culture instead of war. To develop efficiently, you need to manage resources carefully.
Released | 09/04/2013 |
Website | |
Parent Platforms | pc |
Platforms | pc |
Developers | Ensemble Studios |